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In Nursery and Reception D&T (Design and Technology) is taught through Expressive Arts and Design and is incorporated into all areas of learning. As well as focused activities planned through enhanced provision. Children are provided with opportunities to explore and experiment with construction resources, whilst developing their creative thinking. They become confident in selecting and using tools and techniques safely.  The children also have experiences allowing them to explore the preparation and cooking of food (this has been restricted due to the pandemic).

The resources in the continuous provision assist the children in achieving the above. These include lego and wheels, duplo), wooden blocks and many more. The resources allow the children at a young age, to explore balancing, and to learn to make a structure stronger and more stable (National Curriculum statement).

Design and craft areas are used in the classes with a variety of resources allowing the children to design and create their own product. Design sheets are made available for the children to take ownership of their product.


In Years 1 and 2, DT projects are linked to the topic theme each term. DT provides an opportunity for the children to go down an exciting path of investigating, designing, making, modifying and evaluating. The children will be able to work independently and with others, to solve problems set by the teacher or by themselves. This process allows the children to gain an understanding of what it is to design a product, what technology is and how it can be used in their world.


Below are the documents to support the delivery of the Design and Technology-


  • Rosehill Infant School Curriculum Coverage and progression of knowledge and skills in Design and Technology from Nursery to Year 2 – this details the Design and Technology journey from Nursery to Year 2.


  • Rosehill Infant School Design and Technology Yearly Overview and Medium Term Plans – these detail the topics covered over the year, and the Design and Technology activities the children carry out.