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Parent Voice​​​​​​​

What makes Rosehill Infant School special: 

" This school is really special to me and my child. This is his first school in this country and all the children are treated fairly. Bonding between children and teachers is really great. Each child is given individual attention. All teachers and staff are really supportive"

"Children are always happy and teachers have a great relationship with children"

" The school is very supportive with any needs or issues I have"

" All teachers and staff are extremely friendly and very helpful. Whenever we need extra help or need to discuss issues."

"The school atmosphere is very friendly. Teachers are friendly. If we need any help teachers do their best to help us."

We have an LPPA information desk near the school office where you can find a parent comments book and questionnaires. We welcome all comments and feedback to help us make our school amazing for our parents and children.

At Rosehill, parents voice matters 'together we are amazing... together we shine!'