Our School Uniform
Our school uniform is compulsory for all children. However it is not a requirement for children to wear jumpers or cardigans with our school logo on, this is optional and your preference. Children can wear plain Navy jumpers or cardigans.
All pupils at our school are expected to wear our uniform as outlined below
Navy blue school sweatshirt or cardigan
White polo shirt
Grey skirt, pinafore dress, trousers or shalwar kameez
Blue checked dress for summer wear
Sensible black school shoes
Navy blue school sweatshirt
White polo shirt
Grey or black trousers
Sensible black school shoes
Children will also require a school book bag.
On PE days, we invite children into school in black tracksuit bottoms, black leggings or black shorts with a white PE t-shirt. Children are required to wear trainers for PE days as games lessons will be outside in fine weather.
Children must not wear earrings during PE lessons. If your child is unable to remove their earrings themselves, please make sure they are taken out at home on PE days.
Whilst we sell our school Unfiorm on Site we also run a Free Second Shop. For More information please speak to Mrs Tennant our Inclusion Mentor
Ordering School Uniform
You can order your child's uniform in a number of ways:
- Contact the school : 01332 229229
- Email the school at : admin@rosehill.derby.sch.uk
- or complete the form below
Price :
School Jumpers £9.10 each
School Cardigans £9.60 each
And are available in sizes 3-4, 5-6, 7-8
School book bags are available for £5.60 each
We also provide a free second hand shop which is run by
Mrs Tennant our Inclusion Mentor
Place your uniform order here
In your email please state the sizes and quantity of the items you would like to order along with a contact telephone number.